Mushroom ID Workshop – Sunday, July 17, 2022 @ 10:00 am

Join us for a free mushroom ID workshop, Sunday, July 17, 10 am — noon at the Mount Rainier Food Forest!
Would you like to learn more about the fungus that lives among us? Perhaps even start to identify a few common edible types? Come to our first ever mushroom ID workshop at the food forest to start your exploration of this fantastic and mysterious world. All are welcome and no registration is required.
Mount Rainier residents and mycophiles Raffi Greenberg and Lucila Dunnington will talk about the lifestyles of mushrooms and go over the basics of mushroom ID. We will look at some of the species growing in the food forest and the surrounding neighborhood.
You are encouraged (but not required!) to walk in the woods, or around town, on the Saturday before the workshop and bring anything interesting that you find to the workshop.
Here are the details:
Date/Time: Sunday, July 17, 10 am to noon
Location: Mount Rainier Food Forest, 31st St between Taylor and Upshur Streets
What to bring: Any mushrooms that you’d like to try to identify, and your favorite mushroom ID book if you have one. (Mushrooms will preserve better if you collect them in paper or cloth bags, rather than plastic)

For questions about the workshop:

For questions about the food forest:


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